智能时代的设计 · Design In the Age of Intelligence
自 2017 年开始人工智能开始像一阵旋风一般席卷世界。在很长一段时间里,人们对它充满了好奇和疑虑,其中最常见的一个问题是:我的职业会不会被人工智能取代?作为体验设计师,我开始留意相关的新闻、报告,阅读面向大众人群的书籍、文章,参加由行业先驱举办的分享、活动。这是基于我的阅读和思考而总结的、面向公司内部设计师分享的 PPT,现在我将它分享给大众,希望它可以给更多的人带来启发,并且与我共同坚信——
(Foreword in English) In late 2018 I started to explore topics related to AI & Design, because I was curious if the world-blowing whirlwind will bite on my job and take it (may be partially or maybe whole) away from me. I also explored news and reports over the topics, read books and articles that can be digested by non-experts, attended sharing and conference held by the pioneer designers who has get their hands wet in the AI industry. On the March of 2019, I summarised my takeaways and thoughts over this topic into a series of slides. I wish to have it published and hope it can bring enlightenment to those who once had the same doubts; hopefully we could all keep this in mind that
Experience design will never been replaced by machine.
Note that the slides are made in Simplified Chinese. English translation can be done if more people are requesting.
Major References
薛志荣,AI 改变设计,清华大学出版社,2018
John Maeda, Design in Tech Report 2017
The Brain Food, Artificial Intelligence Driven Design, 2018